Import certified products with confidence.
eFiling solved.
Struggling to fully understand the details of everything eFiling involves?
Anxious about locating all of the required internal and external data?
Wondering how widely distributed data will be accessed and transmitted?
Concerned about the risk of shipments being held for inspection?
Free Consultation
We learn about your products, Purchase Order management, supply chain, and lab testing service providers, and then offer corresponding guidance on eFiling implementation.
Step 1
Data Mapping
You gain a deep knowledge of the end-to-end eFiling process, where to find all sources of required data, and how to assure product and component part testing occurs on time.
Step 2
Data Automation
Through the centralization of your data, we implement automated data transfer to assure that the right data is received at the right locations at the right time.
Step 3
on automated data exchange.